21st July, 2023, Friday, 09:36 PM
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Special Shows on TV Channel 8

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Congratulations to formal opening of convenient service website of Ban On Hoe Medical Store.

Ban On Hoe Medical Store was developed for several decades, which can provide real TCM products for consumers, and provide the majority of patients with authentic TCM medicine physical therapy services with high praise and reputation among neighbors and clients. We have opened the website for improving our service in order to conform to the trend of The Times, further serve the…

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Online booking service, consulting and dispensing services are available.

Our medical store specially provides online booking services and pharmacy services in order to better serve demand of the majority of consumers on traditional Chinese medicine in busy urban life, further enhance service quality of the medical store, and shorten waiting and dispensing time from busy work. In addition, you can directly visit our store, our address is shown as follows: Annex:…

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Health maintenance TCM food services

TCM food can be traced to many years ago, which has history of five thousand years till present. It belongs to precious Chinese cultural heritage and wisdom crystallization of Chinese nation. It is preserved after repeated practice. TCM food integrates experience and hard work accumulated by the ancestors for many years on one hand, which also belongs to the best prescription for…

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精制药膳,美味可口,老少咸宜,补而不燥,加强免疫系统,促进新陈代谢,乃最佳保健汤料。 注: 调养方大致上适合大家,因各人体质不同,宜做些调整,欢迎咨询。 (more…)

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配方:雪蛤,百合,红枣,莲子,元肉,冰糖 功能:养肺滋肾,健脾,凡贤阴亏损,梦遗滑泄,阴虚久咳均有疗效。 使用方法: 1)雪蛤的质地颇为坚硬,故需要浸上七至八小时才会柔软胀大,接着拣去附着的黑膜,蛙卵和生肠 2)将以上材料加清水两碗燉三到四小时即成 (more…)

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配方:党参,白术,茯神,炙甘草,当归,川芎,熟地,白芍,北芪,肉桂,鸭 功能:补血益气,用于各种病后全身衰弱,肠胃的活动力衰弱,心脏病等,贫血,皮肤干燥而无热状者为适。 使用方法: 1)将各种材料洗净,鸭剁净飞水过冷河 2)放入炖盅内,注入清水盖好隔水炖三小时,下盐调味即可 (more…)

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